Sale Air sander In Payetakht Industrial City

Air sander-1
Air sander-2

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با توجه به رويكردهاي به روز دنياي مجازي و گرته برداري از نمونه هاي موفق خارجي تلاش داريم با توجه به حفظ فضاي تخصصي در تالارتوزيع در اين امر بومي سازي كرده و اين خلا را در صنف ابزار پر كنيم و با ايجاد يك شبكه وسيع صنعتي بازديدكنندگان بيشماري را براي فعاليت اين صنف قدرتمند ايجاد نماييم. کد شامد: -----

This vacuum-ready, low-vibration model is lightweight yet sturdy. It produces an ultra high-quality, swirl ;free ;finish and connects to central or portable vacuum systems. The G extracts dust and particles through the pad, keeping foreign matter away from the motor. Virtually all dust is instantly chanelled away from the work. This tool is well suited for the wheel guard is made of chrome plated alloy steel which prevents sparks flying to your face. The air cut off tool is also equipped with safety switch for maximum safety which could prevent accidental start-up. Tool extracts dust and particles through its or -inch pad, keeping foreign matter away from the motor and away from your work, helping deliver a high-quality, swirl-free finish. Durable design ensures this tool will work like you expect each time you pull the trigger; Every component, mechanism, and function has undergone rigorous testing to ensure long-lasting performance.

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