Sale Air sander In Shams abad Industrial City

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با توجه به رويكردهاي به روز دنياي مجازي و گرته برداري از نمونه هاي موفق خارجي تلاش داريم با توجه به حفظ فضاي تخصصي در تالارتوزيع در اين امر بومي سازي كرده و اين خلا را در صنف ابزار پر كنيم و با ايجاد يك شبكه وسيع صنعتي بازديدكنندگان بيشماري را براي فعاليت اين صنف قدرتمند ايجاد نماييم. کد شامد: -----

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Benefiting from years of experience in production, “SLAIR” has become a well-known professional pneumatic tool brand in China. During this period, we have continued to upgrade our production facilities and testing equipment to achieve quality & service life for high standard. Furthermore, we do cooperate with customers to improve the products in technical innovation, performance and durability, up to the Industrial Design Regulations.

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