product Artificial Stone In East of Tehran

Artificial Stone-1
Artificial Stone-2

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Specifications for Alvator Artificial Stone Production Line: Plast Cement square meters: Automatic transport of aggregates (and adhesive compounds) with a capacity of kg / min and an entrance and exit valve with an elevation of cm, with an electromotor of . / horsepower, With special custom envelopes and double edges and chains of Taiwan and ... With Hopper weighing After the pre-mixer and weight mixer for weighing materials, a * -cylinder jack, with a hinged lever and ocular steering wheel, and a protective guard against wind and dampness Corresponding pneumatic

But now these rocks are common in the Iranian market, due to the fact that due to the high water absorption and also the huge holes in the concrete (cement slurry) penetrated into the stone fabric and kept it in the body of the building. But the problem with these rocks is that due to the high water absorption, moisture is easily penetrated into the drain of the building and has created many problems for the users of these buildings.

The method of installing nano-cement foam plasters is similar to the installation of ceramic. That is, a dry mortar layer is spread over the surface of the cement, and it is sprinkled on it with a cement slurry, and we plan to install the floors and align them. By creating a cement slurry, the kidneys cover the pores under the product and the rest of the slurry emanates from the flooring joints. By cleaning it, the product is simultaneously bonded.

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