Sale Artificial Stone In Pardis

Artificial Stone-1
Artificial Stone-2

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Loaded aggregate and adhesive materials with custom-made envelope with a sheet of four millimeters reinforced with an automatic pop-up valve with a width of cm and a length of m at an angle of ° to ° and one meter with a -hem stud, with a -wire tow meters, with two cast iron reels with bearings , kg capacity, with a -horsepower transmission engine and three-way horsepower

 یکی از پر مصرف ترین و عملا مناسب ترین محصولات جهت دکوراسیون داخل ساختمان و سرویس های بهداشتی ، آشپزخانه - فروشگاه ها و ادارات و ... ، است.فاده از سنگ های گرانیت و مرمر مصنوعی مهندسی ( در بازار ایران بنام کورین نیز شناخته می شود ) cultured marble  می باشد . 

But now these rocks are common in the Iranian market, due to the fact that due to the high water absorption and also the huge holes in the concrete (cement slurry) penetrated into the stone fabric and kept it in the body of the building. But the problem with these rocks is that due to the high water absorption, moisture is easily penetrated into the drain of the building and has created many problems for the users of these buildings.

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