product Artificial Stone In Pishva

Artificial Stone-1
Artificial Stone-2

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Secondary education (after installation): applicant after receiving basic training artificial stone cement Plast technology and other technologies as well as booklets provided training formula, are obliged to supply the raw materials required, the form of artificial stone cement Plast, and equipment manufacturing and according to the situation and coordinate relevant matter to the researcher has announced. Secondary education is for to days and in the realization of practical technology provided to the applicant

In natural stones (especially current rocks of the market or travertine rocks), due to the presence of continuous perforations and the water absorption of these products, which are very high in travertine rocks, moisture or rain penetrates into these tissues and Due to freezing (cooling) the water in the tissues gets frozen (increasing the volume of water due to freezing) and causing cracks or fractures or separation from the body and so on.

- Formulation of all kinds of building industry additives including: Formulation of micro silica gel manufacturing, Reinforcement paste production formula, Concrete curing formulation, Antistatic for sealing concrete pipes and flooring of elevator holes, ... Formulation of manufacturing of various resins Artificial stones, Formation of the manufacture of various resinous concrete, Formulation of special adhesives for tile tanks, Formation of concreting lubricants and ... Shapes and shutters, Waterproofing liquid concrete, Industrial formulation of industrial oils, Antifreeze formulation without chloride ion , Mastics, Travertine Gems and Stone Adhesive ...

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