Sale Attractive sets of tools In East of Tehran

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BIG&#;s design combines four universal archetypes across space and time into a new national symbol: the circle, the rotunda, the arch and the yurt are merged into the form of a Moebius strip. The clarity of the circle, the courtyard of the rotunda, the gateway of the arch and the soft silhouette of the yurt are combined to create a new national monument appearing local and universal, contemporary and timeless, unique and archetypal at the same time.

وقال جهاد العمار الشريك في إس.تي.في، وهو صندوق للتكنولوجيا حجمه مليون دولار ومقره الرياض، “النظرية المحورية وراء كل هذا هو أن البرمجيات والتكنولوجيا الرقمية تغير كل القطاعات... التخارج من كريم كان مؤشرا على نقطة تحول، ومن ثم أعطي ذلك إشارة للمستثمرين بشأن الفرص التجارية”.

Slicing breaks down the iconic Gople silhouette and scale into different dimensions and proportions to bring light indoor and outdoor, by interpreting the relationship between spaces and nature. Starting from the principles of production, energy sustainability and respect for the natural environment in which they are inserted, a series of overlapping slats interact with the light and define the body of three suspension lights two floor and one wall/ceiling elements. Slicing can accompany us as we walk about, it helps us to read the surrounding landscape in the movement, it stages the space and creates moments of rest, sharing and meeting, resulting in an experience on a human scale.

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