Sale Automatic double cutting with barcode system In Andisheh Industrial City

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An unbroken section measuring only mm in diameter shapes the structure and houses all the opto-electronic and mechanical elements. Its minimalist presence creates a perfect balance between different materials, weights, light quality, precision of movement and functionality, revealing a deep know-how merged with technological innovation. What appears to be continuity is actually a succession of components with different functions and characteristics, which translate technological complexity into simplicity and freedom.

BIG was invited for a competition to design a Maritime museum inside the neighboring decommissioned dry-dock, where ships used to be built. Instead, BIG proposed to place the museum underground, just outside the wall of the dock in order to preserve the dock as an open, outdoor display, maintaining the powerful structure as the center of the Maritime Museum. By placing the museum this way, it appears as a discreet part of the cultural environment associated with the Kronborg Castle and the neighboring Culture Yard, while at the same time manifesting itself as an independent institution.

BIG NYC has called Dumbo home since . The , sq ft full floor office wraps around an interior courtyard and houses nearly BIGsters. BIG&#;s interior design team led a complete renovation of the space over six months: interior walls were removed to accommodate the open-plan design, which includes ample room for an architectural model workshop, an exhibition hallway, meeting rooms, a canteen, a library and recreational space.

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