product Automatic double cutting with barcode system In Damavand

Automatic double cutting with barcode system-1
Automatic double cutting with barcode system-2

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An unbroken section measuring only mm in diameter shapes the structure and houses all the opto-electronic and mechanical elements. Its minimalist presence creates a perfect balance between different materials, weights, light quality, precision of movement and functionality, revealing a deep know-how merged with technological innovation. What appears to be continuity is actually a succession of components with different functions and characteristics, which translate technological complexity into simplicity and freedom.

Located in the visual axis of the Notre Dame Cathedral in a dense context of university buildings from different historical periods,  BIG proposes a building geometry that adapts to the specific conditions of all adjoining sides, optimized for daylight, views and accessibility. The three-dimensional envelope retracts from the neighboring facades, opens up towards the square of Institut du Monde Arabe and the park, and folds into a publicly accessible rooftop landscape, resulting in an adapted sculptural building volume.

The city of Uppsala invited BIG to design a biomass cogeneration plant to supplement Uppsala&#;s existing energy infrastructure during the peak loads in the dark and cold fall, winter, and spring. With its beautiful old town, home to the oldest university in Scandinavia and the impressive Uppsala cathedral, it required careful consideration to integrate a vast structure into the historical skyline.

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