Services Automatic double cutting with barcode system In Varamin

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A series of public programs simultaneously wrap the library on the outside and inside, above and below. Twisting the public program into a continuous spiraling path tracing the library on all sides, creates an architectural organization that combines the virtues of all complimenting models. Like a Möbius strip, the public programs move seamlessly from the inside to the outside and from ground to the sky providing spectacular views of the surrounding landscape and growing city skyline.

BIG’s design for the A’s new home at the heart of Oakland’s revitalized waterfront seeks to return the game to its roots as the natural meeting place for the local community. An elevated tree lined promenade frames the ballpark on all sides, dipping down to meet the public square and open the field to the water and city views. The perimeter park connects a cascade of social spaces for the fans to enjoy the sport on game days and extends the urban fabric with a neighborhood park to be enjoyed all days a year. In other words – bringing the “park” back in” ballpark”.

The bikes form the foundation of the Biomega collection, sharing a common design language based on simplicity, practicality and iconic features. All bikes are designed with high attention to detail with the goal of making the bicycle a visually coherent product that feels holistically designed. Models range from the small and foldable BOS for smaller dwellings, to the lightweight electrically assisted OKO and the urban hauler PEK.

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