Fireproof glass In Kharazmi Industrial City ( Sale, implementation consultation )

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Welcome to Fire-Proof Glass. We are your single one stop source provider of Fire, X-Ray Radiation, Laser, Bullet and Ballistic Resistant Glass and Window Life and Safety Products and assemblies. Ray-Bar has successfully engineered, designed, tested, manufactured, fabricated, and supplied code compliant Life and Safety specialty glazing products and assemblies for over + years. We are a global manufacturer, having worked on a national and international scale for literally thousands of projects and facilities worldwide. 

Heshan Hengbao Fire Resistant Glass Factory Co. Ltd. is located at Fumin Industrial District, Taoyuan Town, Heshan City, Guangdong Province, China. The company has independent modern industrial factory, it&#;s about ,㎡; it has various specialized technical talents; there are many large advanced production equipments from domestic and foreign, as well as excellent inspection devices, which let a solid foundation for product development and production.

( Sale, implementation consultation ) `s other In Kharazmi Industrial City