mass producers In Shams abad Industrial City ( implementation consultation )

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For development and completion of the cellulose products manufacturing chain and supplying the requirements of Arta Pan Company and also the other consumers to Methanol gas, Arta Energy company performed the new investment in a land with an area about hectares in Arta Energy complex to produce the petrochemical products and sub-products and the relevant derivatives such as Methanol, Ammonia, Acetic Acid and so on; designing and the preliminary studying are performed and the best modern and advanced equipments are chosen for its establishment and it is under construction.

The company stablished in with purpose of producing various types of Macrolide Antibiotics (including Azithromycin, base Erythromycin, Erythromycin ethyl succinate and Clarithromycin) in a -hectare area. Up to now a part of their production and supply some active pharmaceutical, co-production of the formulated Azithromycin started in not only to develop the company but also to achieve the country&#;s macro policy’s in improve public health. Also large projects in producing the Penicillin G which is a main molecule in production of widely used Antibiotics, Beta-lactam Antibiotics conducted in this complex. Due to the importance of Penicillin G active ingredient as basic molecule in the production of dozens of Antibiotics in the country, the project supported by immense investment of the Executive Headquarters of Imam Khomeini organization in and the first industrial batch of Penicillin G was produced and released in market. Mass production of Penicillin G and its intermediate APA (-amino penicilicate acid) has been started by using the latest biotechnology knowledge and assign professionals in this area to localized relevant technical knowledge. Planning for the development production of Amoxicillin was as one of goals according to company’s vision.

Mass production is a manufacturing process in which large quantities of standardized products are produced quickly and efficiently using assembly line techniques and automation. This process is typically used to produce goods that have a high demand and a low cost per unit, such as consumer goods like cars, appliances, and electronics. Mass production involves dividing the production process into a series of repetitive tasks, each performed by a specialized worker or machine. These tasks are arranged in a specific sequence and synchronized to create a continuous flow of products. The products move along a conveyor belt or assembly line, with each worker or machine performing their task in a timed sequence. The benefits of mass production include increased efficiency, lower cost per unit, and the ability to produce large quantities of goods quickly. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as the potential for decreased product quality and the lack of flexibility to produce customized or unique products. Mass production has been a significant driver of economic growth and industrialization since the early th century, particularly in the manufacturing sector. It has allowed companies to produce goods on a large scale, reducing costs and making products more affordable for consumers.

( implementation consultation ) `s other In Shams abad Industrial City