Sale Descaler package and radiator In Nasirabad Industrial City

Descaler package and radiator-1
Descaler package and radiator-2

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When the boiler is not hot and the cause is not related to the package or the engine of the building, or when half of the boiler is cold and the other half is hot, the radiator is ventilated. You have to ventilate it. To drain the air trapped inside the piping network and radiators, turn off the circulator pump and use the radiator vent valve to empty the air inside. Ventilation valves are available in two types, manual and automatic.

Winter mode: the boiler provides hot water for central heating system in the winter season. When the hot water tap is opened, the flow switch is activated by the flow of water through the switch, and by sending the command to the electronic control board, the central heating circuit is temporarily cut off and the capacity of the device is fully utilized to supply the hot water consumed. Immediately after the hot water tap is closed, the central heating circuit automatically switches ON and directs hot water to the radiators.

you have to use a cm flue duct for sealed room chamber model. It should be noted that this model of the wall-hung boiler, which combustion chamber is closed, is fitted with a special co-axial flue duct and has a fan to discharge the combustion products as well as the required air intake from the outside space. So that the air required for combustion is intaked from the outer tube of flue duct and the combustion product is removed from the internal tube of flue duct. thus does not use the inside air of the building. It is necessary to use a co-axial flue duct to install a sealed room chamber boiler.

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