Bentonite and earth resistance reducing materials In Nasirabad Industrial City ( Sale )

Bentonite and earth resistance reducing materials-1
Bentonite and earth resistance reducing materials-2

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Bentonite Clay Uses - Drinking Benefits Bentonite clay can be used as a natural mouthwash. Its binding properties can easily remove unwanted substances around the teeth and gums. And when ingested, bentonite clay can also help support healthy bacteria in the digestive system and support the immune system. Bentonite clay uses for different skin types As a rule, oily and acne-prone types can use the mask more often, while those with dry or sensitive skin should use it in moderation.

شرکت تولیدی صنعتی دومیشا در عرصه تولید و فراوری انواع مواد معدنی فعالیت دارد. محصولات این شرکت را انواع بنتونیت سدیم و بنتونیت کلسیم، زئوبنتونیت، زئولیت و کربنات کلسیم تشکیل می دهد. محصولات معدنی در انواع دانه بندی نظیر کلوخه، دانه بندی شده در سایز های متنوع و پودر میکرونیزه در مش های مختلف به بازار عرضه می گردد.

To have better earthing in the buildings, you can use bentonite powder. Bentonite is a moisture-retentive clay used as a filler earth electrode to help reduce soil resistance. Conductive bentonite clay is a sodium activated montmorillonite that, when mixed with water, swells to several times its original volume when dry. Electrically conductive bentonite is a thermosetting duct fill compound that is also used to fill cable trenches containing copper electrodes, such as ground rods, as specified in Annex C of ENA TS -. The grounding compound absorbs moisture from the surrounding soil, which reduces the contact resistance and thus effectively increases the size of the copper ground rods installed and buried in the cable trench. By reducing the resistance to ground of a ground rod or electrode through a moisture retention process, the bentonite compound also reduces and protects against corrosion. Bentonite absorption rates Bentonite absorbs up to times its weight in water and moisture-retaining clay will swell up to thirteen times its dry volume; At times its dry volume, the grounding compound is very dense and, in a clay,-pasty state it can retain its shape and cling to surfaces. Bentonite is chemically hydrated and retains water in its structure: the clay compound is non-corrosive, stable in nature and will retain its properties over time. The grounding compound mixture should be pumped into the cable conduit to ensure air is excluded and once conduit filling is complete, all conduits must be closed to prevent leakage or bentonite escape.

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