Duct and trunking In Varamin ( Sale )

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The maximum length of each trunk is two meters, the trunks are with the door and inside each of them, there are conditions for creating a partition. The space of each trunk can be divided into one to four parts by partition. Wall trunking can be used in residential, office, and commercial buildings. The advantages of using wall trunking include the separation of electrical and network cables, the installation of electrical outlets, network and telephone on the trunk, and the possibility of adding and subtracting sockets.

برای آنکه بتوان این دو وسیله مهم را نصب کرد و از آن‌ها است.فاده بهینه داشت، بهتر است. بدانید که نصب ترانک‌ها در بازار معمولاً از هزینه زیادی برخوردار است. و در مقابل هزینه نصب داکت پایین‌تر خواهد بود. چرا که فرایند نصب آن نیز راحت‌تر صورت می گیرد. لازم است. بدانید که نصب ترانک به پیچ و روپلاک نیازمند است..

Columnar trunking is used in spaces such as conference rooms, educational and office environments. This type of trunking is produced and supplied in the cube and circular designs and different colors (depending on the manufacturer). Using column trunking, you can assemble and manage your network, telephone, and power cables. The advantages of this type of trunking are the protection of cables from impact, rupture and decay, shortening of cables under the user&#;s desk, and availability. The length and size of the column trunking vary according to the manufacturer&#;s standard.

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