Earth well inspection valve In Nasirabad Industrial City ( Sale )

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Earth well inspection valve-2

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Considering the mission of Emen Ista Electric Company (EISECO) to expand the composite industry, especially in the field of infrastructure industries and services, the company has implemented several projects in the fields of electricity, water and sewage with the hope of improving the level of service standards received by compatriots. Especially in the water and electricity sectors throughout our beloved country.

In , Noor Ista Plastic Company (NIPCO) from this group, as the parent company and the only producer of composites by SMC method in Iran, for the first time with an initial  investment of million US Dollars, imported the mentioned technology to produce auto parts. Relying on the comparative advantage of the company, the initial investment made to purchase the machinery needed to produce composite parts by the SMC method, as well as having the only SMC raw material production line in the Middle East...

( Sale ) `s other In Nasirabad Industrial City