Plant growth lamps and lights In Damavand ( Sale )

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Yes, under the right conditions. Our LED Grow Lights will support a plant’s photosynthesis process during the growth cycle via photosynthetic active radiation technology and high photosynthetic photon flux levels incorporated in our products.   With high PPF, plants can reach their full growth faster (within an indoor environment @ hrs. per day) than the time under direct sunlight (outdoor environment).

This depends on the type of plant, size of plant, and how many plants you are trying to grow.  A single light might be appropriate for a small pot with a single plant or a small seedling tray.  As plants get larger or the required coverage area expands, more lights may be needed.  Generally, if plants are growing well and have a compact, robust structure, they are getting enough light.  If plants are weak, with elongated stems and many small leaves, this may indicate additional light needs to be provided.  Up to eight LED Grow Light fixtures may be connected in series by using the integrated cords and receptacles in the fixtures.  Our LED Grow Lights come in several forms, which may be mixed to provide more light. 

We researched the top-rated grow lights available online, ranging from as simple as adding a lightbulb, to a full indoor garden system that does all of the work of taking care of your plants for you. We then set up and tested several of these options in our own homes and at the lab for several weeks and up to three months in some cases. We then evaluated their size, wattage, bulb type, ease of setup, and overall effectiveness. Here are the best grow lights for your plants, backed by our thorough research and testing.

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