Lighting of medical and health facilities In West of Tehran ( implementation consultation )

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Lighting of medical and health facilities-2

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Glamox products cater to individual needs. Our solutions provide patients in medical care with adequate freedom of movement and the ability to place the light where it is needed. The luminaires are easy to clean and disinfect to prevent the settling of dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses. The appropriate light levels can be provided for all hospital settings, ensuring easy navigation in corridors and staircases, excellent visibility in examination rooms and laboratories, as well as intensive care areas and patient rooms.

Particularly revealing data is used in the healthcare sector. This is precisely where lighting systems equipped with smart sensor technology can provide valuable insights. For example, movement or air conditions in patient rooms, which in turn can be used to derive cleaning schedules or climate control. The lighting system provides more than "just" the right lighting here. Collected values and data analyses contribute to smart, energy-efficient building use and provide insights into the patients’ regeneration process.

( implementation consultation ) `s other In West of Tehran