Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places In Pakdasht ( implementation consultation )

Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places-1
Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places-2

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The striated volume appears like a rippled seashell made from parallel walls facing east and west to block the low incoming sunrays, while opening up toward the Marina and the private garden. The undulating roof is made from tilted slabs ensuring that there are no parallel surfaces between floor and ceiling. The resultant elevation appears like parallel columns of light like the digital display of an equalizer.

The Puzzle House is a multi-functional object consisting of a series of individual elements, that when together form a house. Separately, each piece can act as a seating element. A big variety of seating scenarios for group discussions, or auditorium style seating for events or public speaking can be be configurated. When flipped on their sides, they can also act as wind barriers or partitions to delineate spaces for various group activities.

The vegetation and landscape at the Panda House closely mimic the pandas’ natural habitat with patches of bamboo scattered throughout. The pandas must be able to find both shade and sun, as well as water and foliage. By creating two forests – a dense, mist forest and a light green bamboo forest, Mao Sun and Xing Er have the opportunity and flexibility to explore both landscapes, according to season, temperature and preference.

( implementation consultation ) `s other In Pakdasht