Lampshade and table lamp In Charmshahr Industrial City ( Sale )

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Lampshade and table lamp-2

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Your own personal style will impact the size of shade that you choose, along with the existing décor of your room and the size of the lamp base. There’s no rights or wrongs here – if you love it, then it’s the right shade! It’s always a good idea however to consider the dimensions of your room. A small shade could look a bit lost in a large room, whereas an oversized shade, that would look fantastic in a bigger space, might make a small room look overcrowded.

When you’re choosing your new table lamp shade, you’ll need to consider the amount of light – also referred to as luminance - that the shade will let through. An opaque fabric like velvet will produce a more atmospheric and slightly darker lighting effect, with the light escaping from the top and bottom of the shade rather than through the sides, whilst a more translucent shade in linen or silk diffuses soft light through the shade itself and around the room.

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