Light above the bathroom mirror In Pishva Industrial City ( Sale )

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Lighting suitable for sunny rooms such as conservatories and garden rooms. Lighting Company have a large selection of suitable lighting for conservatory and garden rooms, wall lights, ceiling lights and table lamps. Lighting for open plan rooms, lighting south facing rooms or rooms with lots of glazing may require special consideration as fabric shades may fade. Consider metal lights and glass lights instead.

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Lots of kitchen lighting ideas from the Lighting Company. Lights for kitchens, utility room lights, kitchen diner lights, low energy lighting & led kitchen lights, kitchen island lights, under cabinet lighting, plinth lights, kitchen spotlights and down lights, cable kits, colourful funky pendants for over kitchen tables, rustic farmhouse kitchen lights, rise and fall and up and down lights - just some of the kitchen lighting solutions on offer at the Lighting Company. If you are looking for simple lights for a Shaker kitchen, retro pendant lights or bright jazzy colourful pendants for modern kitchens or traditional lighting for period or farmhouse style kitchens then check out the fabulous selection at The Lighting Company.

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