Burial and parquet lights In Damavand ( Sale )

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In , restaurant Noma &#; known as the &#;World&#;s Best Restaurant&#;- closed its doors to the th century warehouse that had been its home for fourteen years. After more than three years of planning and collaboration, Noma reopened in on the outskirts of autonomous district Christiania &#; this time at the protected site of an old fortification once used to store mines for the Royal Danish Navy.

Located in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn neighborhood, BIG’s new HQ building recently topped out its -storey structure. The new HQ is architecturally anchored in Copenhagen harbor’s heritage of warehouses and factories. The small footprint at the end of the pier became the main design dilemma: how to organize a single work environment for all of us when we would have to be split between a minimum of four levels. In a counterintuitive decision, we split all the floors in half and doubled the amount of levels.

The simple manipulation of the archetypical space-defining garden wall creates a presence in the Park that changes as you move around it and through it. The north-south elevation of the Pavilion is a perfect rectangle. The east-west elevation is an undulating sculptural silhouette. Towards the east-west, the Pavilion is completely opaque and material. Towards the north-south, it is entirely transparent and practically immaterial. As a result, presence becomes absence, orthogonal becomes curvilinear, structure becomes gesture and box becomes blob.

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