Under-cabinet and Regal lights In Parand Industrial City ( Sale )

Under-cabinet and Regal lights-1
Under-cabinet and Regal lights-2

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Another thing to consider is lens finishes of your linear LED lighting, specifically frosted or clear. Clear lenses help direct lighting for a more narrow beam of light. This is helpful in task areas, such as food-prep locations. However, with glossy countertops, you may face glare issues of the lighting reflecting too harshly. We recommend clear lenses for matte or semi-matte finished countertops. When it comes to glossy countertops, a frosted lens, although more diffused with a wider beam angle, still gives off the same brightness and would resolve the issue of glare.

Since every kitchen is unique, it’s important to choose lighting that is customizable to your space. To match the lighting’s color temperature to the rest of your space, choose a lighting system that has a variety of options. Usually, kitchens are equipped with color temperatures around K-K. This white light is perfect for preparing food in a functional and clean space, while maintaining a small amount of amber hue for a comforting aesthetic.

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