Services Engine room boiler In West of Tehran

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Parallel controls use separate motors to regulate fuel flow and airflow, enabling each motor to be tuned throughout the boiler ignition range. During installation, to points are usually drawn to create a curve of airflow corresponding to the fuel flow. The air-fuel ratio can be varied along the ignition range to prepare the optimal ratio in different ignition conditions. Also with the use of electronic dampers, this method of control is very reproducible.

Proper water hardening operations are essential to maintain the boiler operating properly. Each water hardening operation must be specifically planned and designed based on the minerals not dissolved in the compensating water, the percentage of distillation return, and the percentage of aeration. Insoluble solids in boiler water and water hardness in small and low-pressure motorhomes should be tested daily and in large and high-pressure motorhomes on an hourly basis. An annual inspection of boilers should include a thorough inspection and testing for signs of fouling or corrosion on surfaces adjacent to the water. The presence of even a thin layer of sediment prevents heat transfer and thereby reduces combustion efficiency. .

Engine room boilers, both in the low pressure and high-pressure categories, must operate in accordance with the instructions of the pressure pipes and boilers of the Mechanical Engineering Association. In low-pressure boilers, the maximum pressure during operation should be psi (pounds per square inch) for steam and psi for hot water. Most installations use low-pressure boilers. High-pressure boilers are designed to operate under pressure limits beyond low-pressure boilers and are commonly used for power plants. The water temperature for hot water boilers is ° C.

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