implementation consultation Fireproof glass In Kharazmi Industrial City

Fireproof glass-1
Fireproof glass-2

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These high performance "wireless" clear view ceramic fire protective glazing products are also available in grades of surface clarity as "Standard" or "Premium.” Either grade is also available as Impact Resistant in /" FireLite-NT(filmed) or /" FireLite-Plus(laminated). These clear fire protective ceramics meet the impact safety rating requirements of ANSI-Z. and CPSC CFR Cat and . *With the quality of current production surfacing methods "Standard" grade is widely accepted and the most common required.

FireLite ceramic fire protective glass products are also offered in Insulated Glass Units (IGU) sealed assemblies that can optionally provide the addiational performance of protection from medical diagnostic X-Ray Gamma ionizing radiation (up to .mm and .mm lead shielding equivalency) or the benefits of Low-E ratings, and naturally provide higher insulation factors and sound transmission reduction (STC Rating dB+) than single pane monolithic glazing.

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