implementation consultation Fireproof glass In South of Tehran

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Our experienced professional fire-rated glass sales team will gladly assist you. Whether it is meeting codes and standards for compliant fire glass and window assembly ratings or providing knowledgeable technical support, we offer you the best in class solutions to meet all your fireproof glass needs. With a dedication to customer service, we typically have the fastest turnaround times for standard FireLite, FireLite-NT, FireLite+Plus, WireLite and related fire-rated and UL labeled windows and glazing products.

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Welcome to Fire-Proof Glass. We are your single one stop source provider of Fire, X-Ray Radiation, Laser, Bullet and Ballistic Resistant Glass and Window Life and Safety Products and assemblies. Ray-Bar has successfully engineered, designed, tested, manufactured, fabricated, and supplied code compliant Life and Safety specialty glazing products and assemblies for over + years. We are a global manufacturer, having worked on a national and international scale for literally thousands of projects and facilities worldwide. 

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