Industrial kitchen equipment In Ayene varzan Industrial City ( Sale )

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In , the Satrap brand, a producer of industrial kitchen equipment, started operating under Shahriari Industrial and Trading Company, and during these years, comprehensive services related to the establishment of restaurants, fast food and coffee shops, and the production and supply of restaurant and fast food equipment to provided by customers. Satrap Pishgam has implemented very successful projects from the beginning to the end in the countries of Oman, UAE, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain and Qatar, and plans to expand its scope of activities to East Asia and Europe.

EMPERO took its first step into the industry in with the brand of Ersöz Kitchen Equipment and in gained a huge momentum in the sector by unifying its companies, which are producing different needs of Industrial Kitchen Equipment, under the brand of EMPERO GROUP. EMPERO GROUP achieved to keep far ahead of its competitors in the market, by manufacturing; Preparation Equipment, Cafe Equipment, Dishwasher, Cooking Equipment, Cooling Equipment, Display Products, Shelves, Field Kitchens and Mobile Kitchens that are used by military and non-governmental organizations. Today, at the th Year of its presence, Empero is extending its production area to .m total, which consists of .m indoor and . m outdoor.

( Sale ) `s other In Ayene varzan Industrial City