implementation consultation Implementation of the foundation In Parand

Implementation of the foundation-1
Implementation of the foundation-2

Presentation of businesses
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For this purpose, be in touch with us.

با این وجود تعداد زیاد افرادی که نیاز به شرکت در این دوره دارند باعث می‎‌شود هزینه‎‌های سازمان‎‌ها برای برگزاری دوره ITIL Foundation به شکل قابل توجهی افزایش یابد. بنابراین ما در دیجی وایز آکادمی قصد داریم پکیج ویژه‌‎ای برای

فرصة لطلاب الجامعات التدريب الصيفي في مؤسسة مرسال. التدريب هيكون في أغلب أقسام المؤسسة. هيكون متاح لكل متدرب إنه يعرف أكتر عن تقديم الخدمات الطبية في المؤسسات الخيرية وهيكتسب خبرة ومهارات هتفيده في سوق العمل. بعد التدريب هيحصل على شهادة من المؤسسة بمدة ومجال التدريب. مكان التدريب : داخل مؤسسة مرسال بفرع المعادي ( شارع المعادى الجديدة). -سجل دلوقتي من خلال الفورم

Contracts Specialist is needed for Mersal Foundation with the below criteria. Job Details:- Experience Needed: To Years Career Level:Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level:Not Specified Salary:Confidential Job Description:- Responsible to have contracts with all medical services providers covering Mersal needs/cases all over Egypt, revising all invoices/claim, managing and coordinating the relationship between all parties with services providers, running weekly and monthly reports. Managing the team and leading by example.   Ensuring to fullfill Mersal needs by signing contracts will all medical service providers.  Supervising the relation ship between Mersal and Medical service providers  Revising and updating the price list for all medical services provided and compared by the market.  Planning ahead for Mersal medical needs in expanding the service network.  Follow up for all emergency department for their needs and support.  Follow up and manage the claiming/invoice between medical service providers and Mersal stakeholders.  Manage and follow up on the complaints on both ways.  Coordinates the surgical operations.  Manage and responsible for tasks related to medical service providers and Mersal.  Submitting monthly and Annual reports.  Revising all claims and negotiations for discount from service providers.  Evaluating the service providers. Job Requirements  Bachelor degree preferably in Medicine.  + years in Management, Sales, admin, Contracts &PR .  Excellent communication skills.  Excellent user for MS Office. Qualified candidates should send their resume to

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