paver machine In Sahand Industrial City ( Sale, Services )

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يعمل إعداد الوضع الاقتصادي على ضبط قوة المحرك تلقائيًا وفقًا لمتطلبات الأداء الحالية لضمان است.هلاك وقود الديزل بكفاءة وانبعاثات ضوضاء منخفضة. تم تجهيز AHT / / S بمحركات VOLVO TADVE / TADVE / TADVE ، والتي تتميز بتقنية محرك متطورة وعالية الأداء (تصل إلى كيلو واط / حصانًا) التي تلبي معايير انبعاثات EC Stage IIIA.

Based on its experience creating heavy-duty full-speed steam turbines and achieving advanced scientific achievements, Power Machines developed and manufactured the first half-speed turbine unit in Russia with a capacity of MW. Today the half-speed turbine is considered one of the most promising in the world – the main assembly characteristics will allow future machines to be created based on its design, the use of which will be possible in a turbine plant with a unit capacity in the range of - MW.

The company is implementing the project with support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to ensure energy and technological independence for the state. To implement this task, the design bureau was re-established; at present, the prototype gas turbine units GTE- F-class and GTE- E-class are in production. The company is also developing hydrogen energy technologies and is working on the creation of a gas turbine capable of operating on methane-hydrogen mixtures.

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