Sale Industrial mask In Charmshahr Industrial City

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+982122198580 +982188042002

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LipoMask has a dual-liposome the protects the active ingredients and allows them to go through the cuticle quickly. The experimental results have shown that nano-liposome absorption technology can facilitate serum absorption into the skin within minutes! Besides, according to the clinical experiment, the average moisture of LipoMask is % higher than that of the control group. Water content is still % higher than after hours, which provides excellent moisture retention.

Korean beauty facial masks are gradually becoming a sensation. As a manufacturer of sheet face masks, TCI has invested a lot in research & development and focused on including organic flavors and textures of fruits in beauty facial masks. Consumers’ demand for natural ingredients, such as honey, extracts of fruits, cucumber, cactus and plant stem cells, has spurred over time, and beauty facial masks manufactured by TCI are using organic ingredients that do not include chemicals.

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