Sale Industrial mask In Khoramdasht Industrial City

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With years of experience in the global health and beauty industry, TCI, a reliable CDMO & private label skincare contract manufacturer, has created countless hot-selling private label products for large-scale household brand names. Based on research conducted by the R&D team, we take scientific validation as the key measure in product development, custom formulas for bio-cellulose facial masks , Korean beauty facial masks, eye patches, lip patches and essences, and offer a wide range of private label skincare, collagen, supplement and probiotics manufacturing service.

LipoMask has a dual-liposome the protects the active ingredients and allows them to go through the cuticle quickly. The experimental results have shown that nano-liposome absorption technology can facilitate serum absorption into the skin within minutes! Besides, according to the clinical experiment, the average moisture of LipoMask is % higher than that of the control group. Water content is still % higher than after hours, which provides excellent moisture retention.

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