Artificial Stone In Pardis ( Sale, implementation consultation, product )

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-Special centrifugal mixer (Artificial stone mixer of Plast Cement) with the ability to make all kinds of artificial stone technology, construction adhesives (ductile and powder tile adhesives) Concrete types with electromotor horse and customized solar gearboxes Turkey, Hardox anti-wear blades, The thickness of the foil sheet is mm and the wall thickness is mm with adjustable armrests. The mm penetration center penetration has a solid cylindrical roller shut-off unit with a valve-emergency control with a capacity of kg of the mixture and an equivalent mass of kg of normal volumetric mass Ultra-light materials, kg dough tile adhesive and powdered tile adhesive kg, concrete production capacity up to kg

اين محصول جهت ايجاد فوندانسيون دستگاه ها و ساختمانها مورد مصرف مي باشد. از مهم ترین مزایای گروت ها این است. که ، چون گروت منبسط شونده خاصیت غیر انقباضی دارد از گروت آماده جهت مصارف مختلفی مثل : زیر صفحه ستون ها و اسكلت های فلزی ، نصب ریل ماشین آلات ، برینگ پل ها ، بلت ها ، ریل ها ، حایل ها و ...استفاده می شود

Two-piece vibrating hopper has a custom-made vibrator for removing aggregate and substitute materials, as well as for raw materials for powder and pastry tile adhesives with a kg three-phase electromotor. Special variations: Two-piece hopper part due to the simultaneous loading of two different inorganic materials A mm reinforced sheet is provided. Two-speed chainsaw with two-part chainsaw with two separate / horses and two in-line / horses

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