Sale Keith Grand In Pardis

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Keith Grand-2

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Union Centre Tower located at the intersection of many of Toronto&#;s public transit systems at Union Station. It is connected to a major data center serving the greater Ontario area and allowing for the provision of heat energy by reuse of waste heat from the center. The project is integrated with the city grid by transforming the disused &#;Station Street&#; into a pedestrian green way. The tower is accesses through an elevated walkway, as well as from the street. Both are lined with retail in a new low-rise street facing building. The building is composed of an efficient diagrid which stretches to become mega columns at ground level, allowing the building to float above the street. Beneath this hovering mass, a new concert venue is hug. The building iconic feature is the glass elevator core located on the outside of the building and transforming the building function into an urban spectacle.

BIG&#;s design combines four universal archetypes across space and time into a new national symbol: the circle, the rotunda, the arch and the yurt are merged into the form of a Moebius strip. The clarity of the circle, the courtyard of the rotunda, the gateway of the arch and the soft silhouette of the yurt are combined to create a new national monument appearing local and universal, contemporary and timeless, unique and archetypal at the same time.

Together with urban life expert Jan Gehl, BIG&#;s strategy was to create a framework for maximum amount of life with the minimum amount of built substance. The harbor bath zig-zags gently into the island, extends all the way out into the harbor pool and back again. The swimmers can enjoy the circular diving pool, a children’s pool, the m long lap pool or one of the two saunas that are tucked underneath the public boardwalk which doubles as a viewing platform who those who prefer to stay dry.

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