Sale Lampshade and table lamp In Parand Industrial City

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Your own personal style will impact the size of shade that you choose, along with the existing décor of your room and the size of the lamp base. There’s no rights or wrongs here – if you love it, then it’s the right shade! It’s always a good idea however to consider the dimensions of your room. A small shade could look a bit lost in a large room, whereas an oversized shade, that would look fantastic in a bigger space, might make a small room look overcrowded.

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There are three types of light options - ambient, task and accent lighting - to consider when it comes to selecting the right shade for your table lamp. A fabric lampshade is ideal for creating a warm and inviting ambiance, softening the light of the room, as well as providing additional functional lighting. A table lamp with a metal shade will provide excellent task lighting, providing a beam of directional light for activities like reading, whereas a lighter shade in a natural colour is perfect for highlighting specific areas of a room, diffusing warm pools of light to emphasise décor features or furniture.

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