Sale Lampshade and table lamp In Sahand Industrial City

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When you’re choosing your new table lamp shade, you’ll need to consider the amount of light – also referred to as luminance - that the shade will let through. An opaque fabric like velvet will produce a more atmospheric and slightly darker lighting effect, with the light escaping from the top and bottom of the shade rather than through the sides, whilst a more translucent shade in linen or silk diffuses soft light through the shade itself and around the room.

There are three types of light options - ambient, task and accent lighting - to consider when it comes to selecting the right shade for your table lamp. A fabric lampshade is ideal for creating a warm and inviting ambiance, softening the light of the room, as well as providing additional functional lighting. A table lamp with a metal shade will provide excellent task lighting, providing a beam of directional light for activities like reading, whereas a lighter shade in a natural colour is perfect for highlighting specific areas of a room, diffusing warm pools of light to emphasise décor features or furniture.

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