Sale Light above the bathroom mirror In East of Tehran

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The Lighting Company has a huge range of double insulated lighting, chandeliers, spot lights, pendant and ceiling lights all rated at class and double insulated for safety. A dedicated selection of double insulated light fittings for homes with old wiring that does not have an earth cable. Choose from double insulated pendant lights, double insulated spotlights, double insulated chandeliers, traditional double insulated lights, modern double insulated lights, double insulated lights for low ceilings and kids double insulated lights.

Stainless steel or brushed steel lights make ideal lights for contemporary living. The sleek modern designs work well and stainless steel lighting is durable and long lasting. Stainless steel garden lights are popular and the Lighting Company has a great selection of stainless steel and brushed steel garden wall lights, bulkhead lights and bollards. Brushed steel and stainless steel lights are also ideal for using as kitchen and bathroom lighting as they match in with the taps.

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