implementation consultation Lighting of educational places In Payetakht Industrial City

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By using smart luminaires, the lighting system can be more sustainable and efficient with the help of state-of-the-art technologies. Intelligent sensor technology coordinates natural lighting conditions with artificial light, and presence-controlled lighting systems save energy. Above all, lighting in an educational institution creates security and identity – and crafts an environment in which students and pupils find their way around, feel a sense of belonging and enjoy learning. 

Light also influences mood. Cool daylight white promotes attention while warm white light has an inspirational and relaxing effect. Biodynamic lighting supports learning and regeneration by adapting to the human rhythm throughout the day. In addition to lighting in school buildings, room acoustics have a significant impact on successful learning. Acoustic elements optimise speech intelligibility and reduce noise, thus improving presentations and cutting distractions during conversations. 

Lighting needs to remain flexible to cater to a wide range of new teaching formats. In lecture halls and classrooms, excellent, reflection-free vision is a top priority, while reduced-glare and balanced brightness protect the eyes from fatigue. Luminaires should create a pleasant ambience in libraries and cafeterias in schools. Additionally, they play a representative role in the assembly hall or outdoors. 

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