implementation consultation Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places In Kharazmi Industrial City

Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places-1
Lighting of religious and pilgrimage places-2

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In Cloud Valley, the barriers between nature and buildings will be removed. The porous structure of the urban fabric will create generous green courtyards with natural light and ventilation throughout both plots. Each courtyard will be programmed to host specific public activities. Sports events, art exhibitions and product fairs will be hosted in the technological park spread between the buildings.

Trotz des schnellen Wachstums und der Urbanisierung der Stadt werden Anstrengungen unternommen, um die Lichtverschmutzung in Mekka zu reduzieren. startete die saudische Regierung die „Green Light“-Initiative, die darauf abzielte, den Energieverbrauch zu senken und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Stadt zu fördern. Die Initiative umfasste die Installation energieeffizienter LED-Leuchten in öffentlichen Bereichen und die Umsetzung von Beleuchtungsvorschriften zur Minimierung der Lichtverschmutzung.

The building comprised of timber in its upper structures, bridges and slabs features a long and slim footprint covering an area of ca. , m. SBC makes full use of the allowed maximum building height of . m across seven floors, and is based on an ideal office bar typology measuring m in width. Instead of one single zig-zag volume, as envisioned in the masterplan, BIG’s design consists of two stacked and rotated zig-zagging bars.

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