Packaging containers In Charmshahr Industrial City ( Sale )

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We strive continuously to anticipate and understand customers’ challenges so as to provide the best support for their developments. For NATPACK, innovation has three focuses: Innovation in product development, Innovation regard to industrial processes, Innovation in terms of our business model.

Disposable home and office essentials are an indispensable part of our lives. Whether you&#;re looking for disposable tableware, cling films, aluminum foils, tissues, kitchen rolls, garbage bags, just drop into your nearest Hotpack retail center. At our retail centers, we offer you the whole nine yards when it comes to high quality hygienic packaging. Your one stop shop for all that you need. Hotpack&#;s retail centers are spread across the UAE strategically in such a way that your convenience and access is prioritized in order to end the woes of our customers when it comes to disposable packaging needs.

Packaging Products Company is a leading manufacturer of cups, containers, Trays, bottles using latest & updated technology of thermoforming, blow molding and injection molding plastic conversion processes serving the dairy, food, beverage industries in the Middle East, Africa & Europe. Packaging Products Company differentiates itself by providing specialized packaging solutions to meet customers’ specific needs & help them to expand their markets. With the latest technology & through our continuous improvement programs, Packaging Products Company is committed to achieve high quality standards at lower cost giving a clear & sustainable competitive edge.

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