Palette and box palette In East of Tehran ( Sale )

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The strategy palette has three dichotomous variables – predictability, malleability, and harshness. Predictability is defined as the extent to which the organization can predict the key strategy variables in its environment which impact the focal strategic issues for the organization. It also relates to how far into the future the organization can make such predictions. Malleability is defined as the extent to which the organization and its competitors could influence these key strategy variables. Harshness refers to the ability to survive a harsh environment.

The shaping strategy approach is most suitable for environments which are unpredictable but malleable. These environments usually exist in new industries where there are no established leaders or rules of competition. Many companies can enter these low barrier industries and introduce innovative business models, products, and services. Mature markets may also be ready to be disrupted if they are overserving major customer segments or not serving customers. The disruption is usually through business model innovation.

The classical strategy approach is most suitable for stable environments which are predictable, where the rules of competition or conduct are well-established, making them non-malleable. These predictable and non-malleable environments are continuations of the past. Hence, the bases for achieving sustainable competitive advantage are known and can be achieved through competitive positioning using differentiation or cost leadership through scale.

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