Palette and box palette In qarchak Industrial City ( Sale )

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The Strategy Palette is one of the more recent and probably the most recognized framework for selecting the appropriate strategy approach. The framework’s use of dichotomous variables with low and high values makes it simple and easy to understand. It does not stop at identifying the strategy approaches, instead further linking them with the relevant strategy tools. BCG also has an interactive website for the strategy tools providing a short description of the tool, its author(s), and the original reference. The linking of the various strategy tools to strategy approaches allows for the creation of a strategy toolbox for each approach that can be used by strategists []. Moreover, the book provides several case studies and vignettes to explicate the strategy approaches.

Finally, the book and its accompanying website cover strategy tools and link them to the five strategy approaches, creating five strategy toolboxes. This is a good development but one with insufficient coverage of the available strategy tools. In my research on strategy tools covering the same period (-), I identified over strategy tools. Some of these strategy tools include backcasting [], business wargaming [], assumption-based planning [], strategy under uncertainty [], the three horizons framework [], strategy diamond [], portfolio of initiatives [], strategy as active waiting [], the strategy tripod framework [], and capabilities-driven strategy []. BCG’s narrow coverage of strategy tools combined with fewer strategy approaches results in limited and incomplete strategy toolboxes and consequently, inadequate strategy guidance.

The Strategy Palette framework was first published in Harvard Business Review (HBR) in by the lead author, Martin Reeves, and two colleagues, Claire Love and Philipp Tillmanns []. It had two dimensions: predictability and malleability; as well as four strategy approaches. Subsequently in , the framework was updated, and a third dimension was added called harshness, resulting in five strategy approaches. This updated version was published in the book “Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach”, which was written by the lead author, Martin Reeves, and two new co-authors, Knut Haanaes and Janmejaya Sinha [].

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