Silk and multi-color printing In Firozkooh ( Sale, Services, product )

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Silk and multi-color printing-2

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Silk screen printing is a non-face-to-face service and is usually not urgent. For this reason, silk screen printing can be chosen as a second and part-time job, which can be done even at night and during overtime. However, personally, based on the experience of long sales of silk screen printing machines and setting up silk printing workshops throughout the country and even exporting to neighboring countries, I believe that due to the prosperity of this work and the wide market of silk screen printing, this job is considered as the main job. Starting as a second or part-time job in silk screen printing, this became their main occupation and they expanded their printing workshop.

از آنجایی که با است.فاده از فیلامنت PLA ابریشم (Silk PLA) با قطر .mm ساخت شرکت Y.S (یوسو) می‌توان از چاپ خود لذت برد و طرح‌های سخت و پیچیده را به سادگی و با کیفیت بالا پرینت کرد، نظر شما راجع به سایر قابلیت‌های این محصول چیست؟ دیدگاه خود را با ما در میان بگذارید.

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