product Separation of interior spaces In Malard

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Like a seismic fault line, the architectural crusts of planet earth are lifted and mingled to form an underlying continuous space of caves and niches, lookouts and overhangs. Rather than a single perimeter delineating an interior and an exterior, the façade is conceived as a sinuous membrane meandering across the site, delineating interior spaces and exterior gardens in a seamless continuum oscillating between the city and the park.

In , restaurant Noma &#; known as the &#;World&#;s Best Restaurant&#;- closed its doors to the th century warehouse that had been its home for fourteen years. After more than three years of planning and collaboration, Noma reopened in on the outskirts of autonomous district Christiania &#; this time at the protected site of an old fortification once used to store mines for the Royal Danish Navy.

The museum is conceived as a confluence of the park and the city &#; nature and architecture &#; bookending the Charpak Park along with the city hall. Like the mixture of two incompatible substances &#; oil and vinegar &#; the urban pavement and the parks turf flow together in a mutual embrace forming pockets of terraces overlooking the park and elevating islands of nature above the city.

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