Sale Sharpen the saw In South of Tehran

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I have literally never sharpened a saw in my life but I have flown in an airplane hundreds of times. Growing up in an airline employee family, we would fly numerous times a year. My sister and I would see who could memorize the various announcements the flight attendants were required to make. We also wrote notes to future passengers on the motion sickness relief bags (that’s the official name for barf bags). There is one particular announcement that has a specific order of operations.

           The key for us is to embrace the concepts of continuous learning and continuous improvement. We have all experienced success in our lives, but future growth and success is contingent on avoiding complacency and being intentional to grow and develop ourselves. Rick Warren cautions, “The greatest enemy of tomorrow’s success is today’s success.” I suggest a two-step process. First, embrace being a life-long learner. Second, put our learning into action. Jim Rohn encourages, “Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.”

As a family, you can “sharpen the saw” together by creating and observing family traditions. When we work to build family traditions together, we show we are valuing the basic needs of individuals and our families.  Renewing our family is where family bonding, identity, fulfillment, and happiness is found. Many of these renewal times come when we are giving time to the “Big Rocks” we learned in Habit ; regular one on one-time, regular meals together, regular family times and family rituals and traditions. It may be helpful to ask your family members what some of their favorite family traditions are. Is there anything they would like to make a tradition Is there a tradition they would like to discontinue

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