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From facial recognition to autonomous vehicles, many future technologies rely on optical sensors for mobile devices. Making these work requires not only the development of sophisticated optical filters for optical sensors, but also the technology and systems to apply these directly to semiconductors quickly, efficiently, and precisely. Through Bühler Leybold Optics’ collaboration with Belgian research institute imec, this technology is now market ready.

From facial recognition to autonomous vehicles, many future technologies rely on optical sensors for mobile devices. Making these work requires not only the development of sophisticated optical filters for optical sensors, but also the technology and systems to apply these directly to semiconductors quickly, efficiently, and precisely. Through Bühler Leybold Optics’ collaboration with Belgian research institute imec, this technology is now market ready.

The message from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to the business community is clear: We know what needs to be done, and we know that we need to act now. Solutions exist, range from transforming industrial sectors to individual business innovations to effective collaborations. One thing, however, is essential: We need to work together, cooperating between companies, science, and authorities across borders. More

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