straw and mat In Tehran stone Industrial City ( Sale )

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In order to provide more effective secondary separation and greater throughput, the centre risers of the straw walkers have been redesigned to loosen the crop mat even more effectively and to enable a faster transfer to the next straw walker racks. Another important factor – in addition to the threshing concave overload protection – in ensuring operating reliability is the sensor-based monitoring of the crop flow on the straw walkers. As soon as any blockages begin to develop there as a result of difficult harvesting conditions, the operator receives early warning both in the form of an audible alarm and as a visual alert on the CEMIS terminal display. In addition, the optional CEMOS AUTO CROP FLOW automatically deactivates the front attachment and the feeder unit in the event of any imminent risk of blockages on the threshing drum or serious belt slippage so that no more crop is fed in. This avoids unnecessary downtime.

During a DLG test in (DLG Test Report ) with two AXION CMATIC tractors with trailed cultivators, CEMOS for Tractors was found to reduce fuel consumption by up to . per cent and increase area output by up to . per cent compared with an experienced field of international drivers. By continuously comparing sensor data on actual ground speed, tractive power, wheel slip, fuel consumption, engine speed and transmission ratio, along with other variables, CEMOS was shown to provide valuable assistance even for expert drivers – so even the best can be even better. Through this process of continuous data synchronisation, the system can precisely identify and quantify optimal operating states and variables during dynamic field work and then, using a dialogue-based interface, suggest ongoing adjustments to the driver. This is what makes CEMOS different from other purely static systems without the self-learning function.

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