straw and mat In Sahand Industrial City ( Sale )

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The two models come in above the XERION - and feature the highly efficient low-engine speed drive concept ., maximum power outputs of up to hp, the CEMOS operator assistance system, an enormous hydraulic pump capacity of up to l/min and a new spacious cab with four-point suspension. In addition, the TERRA TRAC models are equipped with newly developed, damped crawler tracks from CLAAS Industrietechnik – making them stronger than ever: stronger on profitability, stronger on tractive power, stronger on comfort and stronger on assistance.

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The grain tank integrated behind the cab holds , l in the EVION , , l in the EVION and , l in the top-of-the-range EVION . Sensors alert the operator when the fill level reaches percent and then percent. In addition to this functionality, a large grain tank inspection window gives the operator a direct, comprehensive view of the fill level and grain quality. When it comes to unloading, all three EVION models benefit from the  mm diameter of the grain tank unloading tube and the resulting -litre-per-second unloading rate – meaning that offloading can be completed in to . minutes. The -degree pivot angle of the grain tank unloading spout ensures that the operator always has a perfect view of the offloading process. A pivoting grain tank unloading tube spout, as already used in the TRION and LEXION, is available as an option to provide high-precision control of the grain stream directed at the transport vehicle.

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