Industrial mask In Bijin Rey Industrial City ( Sale )

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Korean beauty facial masks are gradually becoming a sensation. As a manufacturer of sheet face masks, TCI has invested a lot in research & development and focused on including organic flavors and textures of fruits in beauty facial masks. Consumers’ demand for natural ingredients, such as honey, extracts of fruits, cucumber, cactus and plant stem cells, has spurred over time, and beauty facial masks manufactured by TCI are using organic ingredients that do not include chemicals.

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COVID viruses are a large group of viruses that can infect animals and humans and cause respiratory distress; These discomforts may be as mild as a cold or as severe as pneumonia. In rare cases, animal corona viruses infect humans and then spread between them. You may remember the SARS (Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus from to ; The virus was an example of the corona virus, which was transmitted from animals to humans. Another major and newer breed of the corona virus is MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), which was discovered in the Middle East in and scientists say the virus was first transmitted from camels to humans.

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