Attractive sets of tools In Parand Industrial City ( Sale )

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From the street level, a series of walls are pulled open for visitors to enter the commercial spaces from the north and south end of the buildings, while professionals enter from the front plaza into the daylight-filled lobby. Once inside, the linearity of the building façade continues horizontally: the pixel landscape of the stone planter boxes is in the same dimensions and pattern as the ripples of the building envelope.

The museum is placed as an abstract shape in the landscape. Its sculptural form is spanning between perfect geometry and specific bridge technology: on one side, it’s a simple box structure; on the other side, it’s a huge warping sculpture. A simple twist in the building volume allows the bridge to lift from the relatively lower forested area towards the south, and up to the hillside area in the north.

دبي مارس آذار (رويترز) - قالت مصادر مطلعة إن شركة بوتيكات الناشئة لبيع منتجات التجميل عبر الإنترنت في الكويت في مرحلة مبكرة من محادثات مع بنوك لجمع ما يتراوح بين و مليون دولار في أحدث جولاتها للتمويل، إذ تطرق الشركة أبواب سوق مزدهرة لرأس المال المخاطر.

( Sale ) `s other In Parand Industrial City