Nano cleaner In Parand ( Sale )

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The Interactive Research School For Health Affairs (IRSHA) succeeds in proving that Liquid Guard technology inactivates the new coronavirus SARSCoV-. In doing so, researchers test on plastic plates, as the virus is known to survive longest on synthetic materials. Result: complete inactivation. Combined with regular cleaning, the Liquid Guard technology thus offers the key to permanent hygiene of surfaces in the Covid- pandemic. The long-term effectiveness of the innovation has been proven by field studies and it is available in an increasing number of countries.

The Corona pandemic with increasing confirmed cases challenges us. New hygiene concepts are needed. Before Covid- in mid-March, simple cleaning and disinfection was sufficient. But shortly after wiping, new colonization can occur. % of the time, a surface is exposed to viruses and germs until the next disinfection occurs. What if there was a surface that could defend itself against certain viruses around the clock Our antimicrobial coating inactivates the Sars cov- coronavirus x faster, providing additional protection against the communicable disease.

Clothing or shoes waterproof have always been at the expense of nature in the past. Per- and polyfluorinated chemicals in waterproofing spray polluted the environment. However, we have an ecologically sustainable solution that works in wind and weather. Sprayed on at a distance of centimeters, our impregnation spray technology works reliably after drying and is suitable for all textiles and outdoor shoes. Gore Tex and Sympatex membranes can be re-impregnated once the effect wears off.

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