Sale Types of lamps In Andisheh Industrial City

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ERCO luminaires are particularly durable and therefore also sustainable, and we’ve also applied this standard to our stand architecture. We use materials and equipment that can be recycled or reused. This started with the floor covering: because a one-way solution was out of the question, we included the hall floor in our concept. The timber frame structure can be used multiple times. The stairs and the ERCOplay gangway also consist of reusable rental scaffolding. Printed fabrics get a second life in the form of bags. Roadcases, which are on the road for ERCO product shows all over the world, are used as presentation tables to then return to the road – a statement against throwaway mentality and for longevity.

The luminaires are carefully developed and manufactured with a view to the future in our Lüdenscheid light factory, and at the same time our lighting consultants support lighting designers around the globe in implementing their lighting concepts in the best possible way. We develop luminaires according to specifications that are individually tailored to the projects and requirements of our customers. With our ERCO individual service we offer extensive options for the individualisation of series products as well as support in the development of sophisticated special luminaires.

ERCO has developed optical systems for LED technology to meet various different lighting requirements efficiently and with enhanced visual comfort. This includes lens systems with ERCO’s patented Spherolit technology, enabling light to be directed precisely where it is needed using the full spectrum of light distribution options. ERCO sources the best high-power LEDs avail­able in the market, specifying the highest standards of colour deviation, lumen maintenance and forward voltage. ­Combined with excellent thermal management, this ensures optimum operating conditions and a long life of the LEDs.

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